Mercurial makes use of the revlog data
format for storing versioned data of
all kinds on-disk. The design constraints that led to the choice of this data
format are described in a paper by Matt
the original author of Mercurial. There is also internal technical documentation
for the revlog data format included in Mercurial’s online
accessible via hg help internals.revlogs
A revlog - short for a revision log - is an append-only data structure for storing discrete data entries that relate to other entries via a directed acyclic graph (a DAG). For Mercurial’s usage, the DAG in question is the graph of changes to the repository. Each entry in a revlog consists of metadata and compressed revision data for the entry. The metadata contains a cryptographic hash of the content of the revision, the size of the content and metadata, and references to the parent entries for the revlog. Each entry in a revlog can only have two parents. This is one of the reasons that Mercurial does not allow octopus merges, where revisions can have an arbitrary number of parents. The revision data are stored in a compressed format, either containing the full content of a file at a given revision or as a delta relative to the state of the file at a previous revision. Whether or not a revision contains a delta or the full content of a file depends on how much data would be required to reconstruct the file (e.g. the length of the already existing delta chain or the size of the change in the revision). By storing occasional snapshots, Mercurial can reconstruct repository content at any revision without going through all of the history of the project and also without storing an unreasonable amount of data for each revision. The style of delta chains with occasional snapshots is inspired by video compression technology, where information about each frame is stored as deltas to the previous frame, with occasional keyframes containing the entire content of a frame of video.
Mercurial stores all versioned data using three different kinds of revlog files,
changelogs, manifestlogs, and filelogs. Each of these have the same format, a
header followed by zlib-compressed content, but differ in the meaning of the
content. Changelogs store metadata about each commit, reading from this file is
sufficient to get most information displayed by hg log
. Manifestlogs store the
manifest of the repository - a list of files contained in the repository at a
revision. Filelogs contain the revision information for individual files tracked
in a repository. Each of these revlogs are linked to each other. The changelog
contains a reference to a manifestlog entry, that manifestlog entry will in turn
contain references to filelog entries. By reading data from each of these revlog
files in turn, one can get the state of the files tracked by the repository at
each revision. This is how hg update
works to update the state of the working
directory to a different revision.
Let’s take a look at a revlog file from the test repository we created in a
previous blog post. For now
we’re going to be looking at the changelog file,
. This revlog file contains information about each
commit in the repository. Note that most revlogs used by Mercurial store the
content of individual files in the repository, but since revlogs are a generic
store for versioned data they can store versioned metadata like commit
descriptions and authors as well.
$ cd test-repository/.hg/store
$ xxd 00changelog.i
00000000: 0001 0001 0000 0000 0000 006f 0000 0077 ...........o...w
00000010: 0000 0000 0000 0000 ffff ffff ffff ffff ................
00000020: 6f33 46b9 4a1f bee7 0a81 0370 8fd6 d485 o3F.J......p....
00000030: edc8 8602 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................
00000040: 789c 25c8 410e 0221 0c00 c03b afe0 05a6 x.%.A..!...;....
00000050: 85b6 6062 8c37 6f7e c194 2dbb 9200 7b59 ..`b.7o~..-...{Y
00000060: ff6f e21e 6732 5052 b41a 2d20 1346 4939 .o..g2PR..- .FI9
00000070: 8914 415e 0024 64ae d722 d956 f7d2 e3a3 ..A^.$d..".V....
00000080: d33f f76e 45bf c3df e63f 3044 8a8f 6d68 .?.nE....?
00000090: eb97 651f 7787 cc99 23a6 401e 8900 9cbe ..e.w...#.@.....
000000a0: d7d6 ab73 6ad6 e6e6 4ffe 00b4 ba22 1400"..
000000b0: 0000 0000 6f00 0000 0000 7800 0000 8400 ....o.....x.....
000000c0: 0000 0100 0000 0100 0000 00ff ffff ff0e ................
000000d0: 80b4 9a8e dc08 c2d9 ffcd cd7f d71b 55de ..............U.
000000e0: 9a7f 7f00 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0078 ...............x
000000f0: 9c25 c94b 0a02 310c 00d0 7d4f 9113 483f .%.K..1...}O..H?
00000100: 894d 41c4 9d3b af20 eda4 1d0b fdc0 50c1 .MA..;. ......P.
00000110: e30b ba7d 4fce 1c74 287a 4317 10a9 38b4 ...}O..t(zC...8.
00000120: deb1 f7cc 2892 434e 44c9 ea8c ea11 d72b ....(.CND......+
00000130: 0eb8 cf26 29be 3b5c c60f 8c75 e86e 7b8f ...&).;\...u.n{.
00000140: b59d b6d9 afca 1031 39e3 89c1 206a ade2 .......19... j..
00000150: b3d4 9695 8a22 75ec d0e7 9161 e5cf 8235 ....."u....a...5
00000160: e17f 5fb0 0c27 1c .._..'.
Hmm, no luck about any of the data in this file being human-readable - it appears to be more or less random binary data that we’re going to need to do a bit more work to decode. We should perhaps not be surprised about this, since revlogs store revision data in a compressed format - we’d need to be able to see the uncompressed revision data to get human-readable text back.
According to the Mercurial documentation (in particular hg help internals.revlogs
, see
here), the first
four bytes of the revlog encodes the version of the revlog data format used by
the file as well as various feature flags. In this case the bytes are
, which corresponds to a file that uses v1 of the revlog format and
sets a feature flag that says revision data are stored inline in this
file. This v1
version of the revlog format is called RevlogNG - NG is short for
next generation, which made a lot of sense when it replaced Mercurial’s original
revlog format in 2006. These days practically all repositories use one variant
or another of the v1
RevlogNG format. Data for revlog entries can either be
stored interleaved with metadata entries or in a separate data file. Interleaved
data are used for relatively small revlogs while separate data files are stored
for large revlogs. This ensures revlog metadata can always be parsed without
also needing to scan through large amounts of revision data.
Following the header is the first entry. Each entry consists of metadata and revision data:
changeset index file for the changeset that produced the
revlog entry. (4 bytes)p1
), -1 indicates no parent. (4
), -1 indicates no
parent. (4 bytes)Currently Mercurial uses a SHA-1 hash. Since SHA-1 hashes are 20 bytes long, the remaining 12 bytes are set to zero. In the future repositories will use a different, more secure hash function that can use up to 32 bytes to store hashes. Since the offset to revision 0 will always be zero, it is elided. The 4-byte header takes the place of the offset for the first revision. The linkrev and parent revisions are stored as integer revision numbers. The linkrev is the revision number in the linked revlog file while the parent revisions are the revision numbers in the current revlog.
For inline revlogs, the raw revision data follows the index entry, with no
header or padding in between. For non-inline revlogs, the data for the entry are
written at the offset specified in the first six bytes of the index entry. For
non-inline revlogs, the data are stored in a file with a ".d"
filename suffix
while the revlog index entries are stored in a ".i"
file. The revision entires
themselves consist of an optional one-byte header followed by the revision
data. The byte is either \0
, for entries that are header-only and contain no
revision data, u
, for uncompressed revision data, and x
, for zlib compressed
revision data.
I’ve written a basic parser for this data format in Rust and put it up on, a free (for the time being) service for hosting Mercurial repositories. The data are stored using two structs, one for the header:
struct RevlogHeader {
offset: u64, // really 6 bytes but easier to represent as a u64
bitflags: [u8; 2],
compressedlength: u32,
uncompressedlength: u32,
baserev: i32,
linkrev: i32,
p1rev: i32,
p2rev: i32,
hash: [u8; 32],
And another for the content of the revlog entry itself, which includes a header as well as uncompressed content of the revlog:
struct RevlogEntry {
header: RevlogHeader,
content: RevlogContent,
The content field is represented using an enum:
enum RevlogContent {
For now the enum only has a single variant, and is a trivial wrapper for a String. The next step is to add special handling for changelogs, manifestlogs, and filelogs, so this will eventually look like:
enum RevlogContent {
This will allow me to add special handling and pretty-printers or the different kinds of revlogs used by Mercurial.
To actually read the changelog entries, we need to read the header, get the size
of the content of the revlog entry from the header, read the content, and
finally decompress the content. Since revlog headers are always 64 bytes, to get
the header we read 64 bytes of the changelog file and parse those destructure
the header content into the logical described above into the fields of the
use byteorder::{BigEndian, ReadBytesExt};
use std::io;
impl RevlogHeader {
fn new(buffer: &[u8; 64]) -> Result<RevlogHeader, io::Error> {
let mut cursor = Cursor::new(buffer as &[u8]);
Ok(RevlogHeader {
offset: cursor.read_u48::<BigEndian>()? as u64,
bitflags: cursor.read_u16::<BigEndian>()?.to_be_bytes(),
compressedlength: cursor.read_u32::<BigEndian>()?,
uncompressedlength: cursor.read_u32::<BigEndian>()?,
baserev: cursor.read_i32::<BigEndian>()?,
linkrev: cursor.read_i32::<BigEndian>()?,
p1rev: cursor.read_i32::<BigEndian>()?,
p2rev: cursor.read_i32::<BigEndian>()?,
hash: {
let mut res = [0u8; 32];
cursor.read_exact(&mut res)?;
I made use of the byteorder, which provides a nice interface for converting bytes of a binary stream into big-endian or little-endian integers. We store the hash as a raw array of bytes, but we can display it in a nice way like so:
header.hash.iter().map(|b| format!("{:02x}",b)).collect().join("");
This will convert the bytes into hexadecimal digits, collect those digits into a
vector of strings, and then joins the strings into a single hash digest. This
code is in the fmt::Display
implementation for RevlogHeader
Once we have the header, we read the content, and then decompress the content
using zlib
. In practice we make use of the flate2
crate, which provides an interface for
decompressing zlib
use flate2::read::ZlibDecoder;
let mut gz = ZlibDecoder::new(&zlib_buffer[..]);
let mut decompressed_data = String::new();
let decompressed_data = gz.read_to_string(&mut decompressed_data)?;
With all of that, we’re able to read the data in the changelog file for the test repository we are working with:
$ cargo run
offset: 0
bitflags: [0, 0]
compressed length: 111
uncompressed length: 119
base revision: 0
linked revision: 0
p1: -1
p2: -1
hash: 6f3346b94a1fbee70a8103708fd6d485edc88602000000000000000000000000
content: 8047a1de3d215413678766b615c006285e9b68df
Nathan Goldbaum <>
1558531724 14400
adding a_file
offset: 111
bitflags: [0, 0]
compressed length: 120
uncompressed length: 132
base revision: 1
linked revision: 1
p1: 0
p2: -1
hash: 0e80b49a8edc08c2d9ffcdcd7fd71b55de9a7f7f000000000000000000000000
content: d68909f0c439445f34273877884dde9eb55b20e4
Nathan Goldbaum <>
1558531758 14400
adding more text to a_file
Here we can see that changelog entries store a hash that encodes a reference to a manifestlog entry, the commit author and e-mail, a timestamp and timezone offset, a list of files that are touched by the changeset, and the commit description.
Next up I will be exploring the content of manifestlog and filelog files, with
the ultimate goal of being able to reconstruct snapshots of a repository at a
given revision, implementing the functionality of hg update